My Natural Hair Journey: A Few Tips and Insight

A year ago, I realized that my hair was never growing the way I would want it to, it continually remained at a BSL (Base Shoulder Length) and I HATED it! I also hated the fact that each time I put relaxer in my hair, it would go super flat and cling to my head. So I decided to go natural, and this was because:

  • Chemicals just didn't work for my hair.
  • My mom has natural hair, so that kind of influenced me.
  • I love how amazing Afros look!
However, I did not want to jump right in and go for my big chop, because I didn't particularly like the idea of being bald. So I transitioned, I basically did not relax my hair for about 5 months and let new natural hair remain natural. At the end of these months, the ends of my hair, which were relaxed were very vulnerable and easily broke. So finally, one day, I went to the salon and got the relaxed ends cut off, and so began my natural hair journey!

To be honest, at the moment I am not entirely confident with my natural hair, not because it doesn't look good (it's everything I could wish for!), but because well, it's different, and sometimes people have negative opinions on such things. So because of this, I spend most of the year in box braids, untying them every 4-5 months. This is a form of protective styling and is good because it helps prevent breakage and promote growth, as well as making things easier for me as natural hair is sometimes hard to manipulate. 

Whenever I untie my braids, I make sure to try different homemade hair masks on them (see my DIY Hair Masks Post Here) and keep it moisturized and healthy. I go to the salon to deep condition and blow out my hair about every 2 weeks. I also try to put my hair into little braids before I go to bed, just to keep my hair stretched and tangle-free. 

I can't lie, sometimes having natural hair makes me frustrated! 
I hate the fact that I am basically stuck doing box braids because I cannot put weaves or small braids on because my hair just has a mind of it's own and starts sticking out of the braids. 
I also hate how much natural hair can shrink when it just come in contact with water. This one time, I blew out my hair and I was in the bathroom with the shower turned on and the bathroom steamed up and even thought I wore a shower cap when I got in the shower, the damage had already been done. I got out, and 5 minutes later, my hair was sticking to my head like moss on a stone!

But you know what, hair isn't easy, it's hard work (well, it is for me anyway). From where I come from, there is a famous saying among the women, it goes: "Ku chena ndi ku pilila" which roughly translates to "beauty doesn't come without sweat." 
All in all, I adore my natural hair, and I'm learning to be more confident about it. If chemicals are doing no good to your hair, consider becoming a #Natural_Sister

I will be posting a few pictures of my fro in a few weeks so make sure to see them!

Goodnight xx

P.S. Check out this amazing new blog Life's Journey With Nicky Msow!


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